Peer-reviewed journals
1 - Electrons AUGER émis par bombardement ionique
C.R. Acad. Sci. 5, 7, (1971).
L. Viel, C. Benazeth, B. Fagot, F. Louchet and N. Colombié
2 - Secondary electron spectra of some solid targets under ionic bombardment.
Rad. Effects, Vol. 4 (1972).
F. Louchet, L. Viel, C. Benazeth, B. Fagot and N. Colombié
3 - Dislocations substructures in the anomalous slip plane of Niobium strained a 50 K.
Acta Metall., Vol. 23 (1975).
F. Louchet, L. P. Kubin
4 - Formation of helical dislocations in pure Niobium single crystals under electron irradiation.
Rad. Effects, 26, 67 (1975).
F. Louchet, L.P. Kubin
5 - A possible explanation for the anomalous slip of BCC metals from "in situ" experiments.
Scripta Metall. (1975).
F. Louchet, L.P. Kubin
6 - Description of low temperature interstitial hardening of the BCC lattice from "in situ" experiments. Phil. Mag. A38, n02, 205 (1978).
L.P. Kubin, F. Louchet
7 - Analysis of softening in the Fe-C system from "in situ" and conventional tensile experiments. -I- "In situ" experiments.
Acta Met., 27, 337 (1979).
L.P. Kubin, F. Louchet
8 - Analysis of softening in the Fe-C system from "in situ" and conventional tensile experiments. -II- Conventional experiments.
Acta Met., 27, 343 (1979).
L.P. Kubin, F. Louchet, J.P. Peyrade, P. Groh, J.P. Cottu
9 - "In situ" deformation of BCC crystals at low temperatures by HVEM. Dislocation mechanisms and rate equation.
Phil. Mag., A 39, nø 4, 433-454 (1979).
F. Louchet, L.P. Kubin, D. Vesely
10 - Dislocation processes in BCC metals.
Phys. Stat. Sol., (a), 56, 169 (1979).
F. Louchet, L.P. Kubin
11 - Thermally activated dislocation sources in Silicon.
Journal of Physics C, 13, L847 (1980).
F. Louchet
12 - On the mobility of dislocations in Silicon by "in situ" straining in a high voltage electron microscope
Phil. Mag. A43, n° 5, 1289 (1981)
F. Louchet
13 - On the structure of multiple Frank loops in quenched aluminum-silicon alloys.
Acta Metall., 29, 383 (1981).
M. Fnaiech, F. Louchet, B. Jouffrey
14 - Preparation of Lithium thin foils for T.E.M. observations.
J. Microsc. Spectr. Electr., 6, 48 (1981).
L. Bernard, F. Louchet, L.P. Kubin
15 - TEM analysis of Square-shaped dislocation configurations in the g' phase of a Ni-based superalloy
Acta Metall. 34, 8, 1681-1685 (1986)
F. Louchet, M. Ignat
16 - Dislocation cores in semiconductors : from the "shuffle or glide" dispute to the "glide and shuffle" partnership.
Article de mise au point. Revue de Physique Appliquée 22, 207-219 (1987).
F. Louchet, J. Thibault-Desseaux
17 - Experimental (TEM and STEM) investigation and theoretical approach to the fatigue-induced dissolution of delta prime precipitates in a 2.5 wt% AlLi alloy.
Phil. Mag. A 56, 3, 353-366 (1987).
Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet, C. Marchionni, J.L. Verger-Gaugry
18 - Investigation of dislocation mobilities in Germanium in the low temperature range by in situ straining experiments.
Phil. Mag. A 57, 2, 327-335 (1988).
F. Louchet, D. Cochet-Muchy, Y. Bréchet, J. Pélissier
19 - Microscopie électronique à transmission : transmission conventionnelle et balayage en transmission.
Revue Technique de l'Ingénieur (1988).
F. Louchet, J.L. Verger-Gaugry, J. Thibault-Desseaux, P. Guyot
20 - On the stability of Orowan loops around coherent spherical ordered precipitates.
Acta Met., 37, n° 9, 2429 (1989).
Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet
21 - The reduction of dislocation density in GaAs by In doping : a specific interaction of In with the cores of 30° partial dislocations.
J. Phys., 49, 1219 (1988).
F. Louchet
22 - Fatigue of Al-Li alloys : mechanical properties, microstructure (TEM and STEM) characterization and strain localization.
J. Mat. Sci., 25, 3053-3060 (1990).
Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet, T. Magnin
23 - Compression creep of <110> oriented single crystals of Ni-base superalloy CMSX-2.
Acta Metall. Mater., 38, nø 4, 663-670 (1990).
J. Courbon, M. Ignat, F. Louchet
24 - Precipitation hardening and strain localization : instabilities induced by geometrical shearing or by chemical reversion.
J. of the Mech. Behaviour of Metals, 2, n° 3-4, 335-351 (1990).
Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet
25 - Analysis of in situ shearing mechanisms of the g' phase in a Ni-base superalloy at 1120 K.
Phil. Mag. Letters, 63, 2, 73-78 (1991).
J. Courbon, F. Louchet, M. Ignat, J. Pélissier, P. Debrenne
26 - Microstructure and mechanical properties of a 2091 alloy. -I- Microstructure investigated by SAXS and TEM.
Acta Metall. Mater. 40, n°4, 847-855 (1992)
Ph. Gomiéro, F. Livet, Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet
27 - Microstructure and mechanical properties of a 2091 alloy. -II- Mechanical properties : yield stress and work hardening.
Acta Metall. Mater. 40, n°4, 857-861 (1992)
Ph. Gomiéro, Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet, A. Tourabi, B. Wack
28 - Microstructure and mechanical properties of a 2091 alloys. -III- Quantitative analysis of Portevin le Chatelier instabilities and relation to toughness in Al-Li, AlCu Mg and AlLiCuMg (2091) alloys.
Acta Metall. Mater. 40, n°4, 863-871 (1992)
Ph. Gomiéro, Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet, A. Tourabi, B. Wack
29 - Plastic instabilities in Al-Li alloys.
Non Linear Phenomena in Materials Science. -II-
L.P. Kubin, G. Martin Eds. Trans. Tech. Publications (1992)
Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet, Ph. Gomiéro
30 - Physics of toughness : a kinetic approach of the brittle-ductile transition and of the role of plastic instabilities.
Phys. Stat. Sol.(a) vol.131 n°2, juin 1992 (special issue for Prof. P. Haasen's 65th birthday)
F. Louchet, Y. Bréchet
31 - A physical approach of the toughness problem: from thermodynamics to kinetics:
-I- the homogeneous case.
Acta Metall. Mater. 41, n°3, p. 783-791 (1993).
Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet
32 - A physical approach of the toughness problem: from thermodynamics to kinetics:
-II- the heterogeneous case :
Acta Metall. Mater.41, n°3, p.793-800, (1993).
F. Louchet, Y. Bréchet
33- On the mechanisms of formation of superlattice stacking faults in L12 precipitates embedded in a FCC matrix.
Phys. Stat. Sol.(a), 137, 417 (1993) (special issue for Prof. H. Alexander's 65th birthday).
J. Courbon et F. Louchet
34- Precipitation internal friction peak in AlMgSi
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 139, 345 (1993)
S.E. Urreta de Pereyra, A.A. Ghilarducci, F. Louchet
35- The local pinning-unzipping model: a statistical theory for stress anomalies in L10 intermetallics.
Scripta Met. 31, n°4, p.369-374, July 1994
F. Louchet and B. Viguier
36- A model for dislocation glide with impurity dragging: application to GaAs 0.2% In,
Philos. Mag. A, 71, n°3, 701-711, 1995.
A. Rakotobe, N. Burle, B. Pichaud and F. Louchet
37 - Modelling the flow stress anomaly in g TiAl. Part I: experimental observations of dislocation mechanisms. Philos. Mag. A 71, 1295, 1995
B. Viguier, K.J. Hemker, J. Bonneville, F. Louchet and J.L. Martin,
38- Modelling the flow stress anomaly in g TiAl. Part II: the Local Pinning-Unzipping model: statistical analysis and consequences. Philos. Mag.A 71, 1313, 1995
F. Louchet et B. Viguier
39- A model for negative creep in Ni based superalloys, Scripta Met., 33, p. 913-918 (1995)
F. Louchet
40- Flow stress anomalies, mobile dislocation exhaustion and strain rate sensitivity
Phil. Mag. A, 72, No 4, p. 905-912 (1995).
F. Louchet
41- High temperature plasticity of two phase alloys: constitutive laws and microstructure evolution
H. Gehanno, M. Véron, Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet
(dedicated to F. Kroupa in honour of his 70th birthday)
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 45, n°11, 1995
42- Dislocation exhaustion and stress anomaly in L12 alloys: the "ELU" model
Journal de Physique III, 5, p.1803-1807, nov. 1995.
F. Louchet
43- Thermal ageing of a Fe Cu alloy: microstructural evolution and precipitation hardening.
Phil. Mag. A, 73, n° 4, 883-897(1996).
M. Charleux, F. Livet, F. Bley, F. Louchet and Y. Bréchet
44- Directional coarsening of Ni-based superalloys: computer simulation at a mesoscopic level
M. Véron, Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet
Acta Mater., 44, n°9, pp. 3633-3641 (1996).
45- Internal stresses in an Austenoferritic stainless steel
B. Verhaeghe, Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet, J.P. Massoud, D. Touzeau
Physica Status Solidi (a) 153, 47 (1996)
46- Strain-induced directional coarsening in Ni-based superalloys
M. Véron, Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet
Scripta Mater., 34, #12, 1883 (1996).
47- A note on the deformation behaviour of two dimensional model cellular structures
O. Prakash, P. Bichebois, Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet, J.D. Embury
Phil. Mag. A, 73, n° 3, 739-751 (1996)
48- Choix et Usage des Matériaux.
Techniques de l'Ingénieur, "Conception des Produits Industriels", T5-100, pp. 1-23, and doc. T5-100, pp.1-5, 1996.
Y. Bréchet, M.F. Ashby, M. Dupeux, F. Louchet
49- La sélection des materiaux et des procédés: I- Complexité et richesse du choix.
"Matériaux et Techniques", 1996
Y. Bréchet, M.F. Ashby, M. Dupeux and F. Louchet
50- Damage and Rupture Mechanisms in an Austenoferritic Duplex Steel.
Acta Metall. Mater., 45, #5, 1811-1819 (1997)
B. Verhaeghe, F. Louchet, Y. Bréchet and J.P. Massoud
51- Micromechanisms of Deformation of an Austenoferritic Duplex Stainless Steel
Phil. Mag. A, 76, #5, 1079-1091 (1997)
B. Verhaeghe, F. Louchet, B. Doisneau-Cottignies, Y. Bréchet and J.P. Massoud
52- Cross-diffusional creep and its application to directional coarsening of superalloys
Scripta Mater., 37, #5, p. 589 (1997).
F. Louchet and A. Hazotte
53- "La déformation plastique et les défauts cristallins", Les Aciers Spéciaux, pp. 279 - 334, G. Béranger, G. Henry, G. Labbé, P. Soulignac Eds., Lavoisier Tec Doc, London, Paris, New York 1997
F. Louchet, H. Michaud and L. Roesch
54- Comment on "A simulation of dislocation dynamics and the flow stress anomaly in L12 alloys"
Phil. Mag. A, 77, n°3, p. 761 (1998).
F. Louchet
55- Al-Si alloys as a model system for damage accumulation in composite materials
Phys Stat Sol. (a) 168, 117 (1998)
M. Slamova, Y. Bréchet, C. Verdu, R. Fougères and F. Louchet
56- New Trends in Directional Coarsening under Stress in Superalloys
Article de mise au point, Revue de Métallurgie, no12, 1481, décembre 1998.
F. Louchet, M. Véron,Y. Bréchet, A. Hazotte, J.Y. Buffière, P. Bastie, A. Royer
57- Microstructure and fracture mechanisms in Al Zn Mg based alloys: experimental investigation of ductility anisotropy, Mat. Sci. Eng., (1999).
D. Solas, Y. Bréchet, F. Louchet et J.C. Ehrström
58- Modelling Strength Anomalies in Crystalline Materials
Invited review paper, "Research Signpost" (India), S.G. Pandalai Ed. (1999)
F. Louchet
59- Investigation of vacancy formation by a jogged dissociated dislocation with large-scale molecular dynamics and dislocation energetics.
Acta Mater. 47, no9, 2695 (1999)
S. J. Zhou, D. L. Preston and F. Louchet
60- Crack generation and avoidance during the growth of sapphire domes from an element of shape
Journal of Crystal Growth (1999)
F. Théodore, Th. Duffar, J.L. Santailler, J. Pesenti, M. Keller, P. Dusserre, F. Louchet, V. Kurlov.
61- Specific dislocation multiplication mechanisms and mechanical properties in nanoscaled multilayers: the example of pearlite.
Phil. Mag. A 80, no7, 1605-1619 (2000)
M. Janecek, F. Louchet, B. Doisneau-Cottignies, Y. Bréchet, N. Guelton
62- Ordinary dislocations in g-TiAl: cusp unzipping, jog dragging and stress anomaly.
Phil. Mag. A 80, no4, 765-779 (2000)
F. Louchet and B. Viguier
63- Intermetallics: Anomalous yielding
Invited contribution to the Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Elsevier Science Ltd., p. 4158-4165 (2001)
F. Louchet
64- Yield Strength Anomaly in B2-Ordered FeAl Alloys: Role of Boron.
Scripta Materialia 43, 69-75 (2000)
O. Calonne, A. Fraczkiewicz and F. Louchet
65- A simple model for dry snow slab avalanche triggering
F. Louchet
Comptes Rendus à l'Académie des Sciences, 330, 821-827 (2000)
66- On the Hall-Petch law breakdown in nanocrystalline materials. J. of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials (www.scientific.net), vol. 7, p. 55-63 (2000)
François Louchet and Harriet Kung
67- Fracture behaviour of an Al-Mg-Si industrial alloy.
Materials Science and Engineering A302, 300-307 (2001)
S.E. Urreta, F. Louchet, A.A. Ghilarducci.
68- Creep instability of the weak layer and natural slab avalanche triggerings.
Cold Regions Science and Technology, 33, 141-146 (2001)
F. Louchet
69- Creep of polycrystalline Uranium dioxide: from microscopic mechanisms to macroscopic behaviour
Acta Mater. 50, 1495-1505 (2002)
F. Dherbey , F. Louchet, A. Mocellin et S. Leclercq
70- In situ electron transmission microscopy study of the strength and stability of nanoscaled structural materials. Advanced Engineering Materials, 3, no08, C152 (2001)
F. Louchet, J.J. Blandin, M. Veron
71- What can be learnt from TEM in situ straining experiments?, Kovove Materialy, vol 40, pp. 353-364 (2002)
Milos Janecek, Francois Louchet, Olivier Calonne, and Béatrice Doisneau-Cottignies
72- Comments to the paper: Observation of dislocation dynamics in the electron microscope, by B.W. Lagow et al., Materials Science and Engineering A352, 71-75 (2003).
F. Louchet et H. Saka
73- Dislocations and plasticity in ice
C.R. Physique 5, 687-698 (2004).
F. Louchet
74- A mean-field model for steady state plasticity of ice single crystals
Phil Mag Letters 84, n° 12, p. 797-802, (dec 2004)
F. Louchet
75 - Two-threshold model for scaling laws of non-interacting snow avalanches
Physical Review Letters 93, no 20, 12 nov. 2004
J. Faillettaz , F. Louchet and J-R. Grasso
76- Breakdown of avalanche critical behaviour in polycrystalline plasticity
Nature Materials, vol. 4, 465-469, june 2005
Th. Richeton, J. Weiss et F. Louchet
77- Dislocation avalanches: Role of temperature, grain size and strain hardening.
Acta Mater. 53, 4463-4471 (2005)
T. Richeton, J. Weiss & F. Louchet
78- Seismology of plastic deformation
Scripta Mater. 54, 747-751 (2006)
J. Weiss & F. Louchet
79- A new insight into slab avalanche triggering: a combination of four basic phenomena in series.
The Avalanche Review, Vol. 24, no 3, febr. 2006 (the American Avalanche Association Inc.)
F. Louchet & A. Duclos
80- On the critical character of plasticity in metallic single crystals
Materials Science & Engineering, A424, 190-195 (2006)
T. Richeton, P. Dobron, F. Chmelik, J. Weiss & F. Louchet
81- A pseudopotential density functional theory study of native defects and Boron impurities in FeAl
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 18, 8859-8876 (2006)
C.D. Latham, S. Oberg, P.R. Briddon & F. Louchet
82- Hall-Petch law revisited in terms of collective dislocation dynamics
Phys. Rev. Letters, 97, 075504 (august 2006)
François Louchet, Jérôme Weiss and Thiebaud Richeton
83- Nickel-induced strengthening of FeAl (B2) alloys Intermetallics, 15, p. 85-92 (2007)
D. Colas, A. Fraczkiewicz, F. Louchet
84- Critical character of plasticity from AE experiments in hcp and fcc metals
Richeton, T., Weiss, J., Louchet, F., Dobron, P., Chmelik, F.
Kovove Mater. (metallic materials) 45 (2007), 149-152.
85- Evidence for universal intermittent crystal plasticity from acoustic emission and high resolution extensometry experiments.
J. Weiss, T. Richeton, F. Louchet, F. Chmelik, P. Dobron, D. Entemeyer, M. Lebyodkin, T. Lebedkina, C. Fressengeas & R.J. McDonald.
Phys. Rev. B, 76, 224110 (2007)
86. Rearrangement of dislocation structures in the ageing of ice single crystals.
V. Taupin, T. Richeton, J. Chevy, C. Fressengeas, J. Weiss, F. Louchet and M-C. Miguel
Acta Mater, 56, pp. 1555-1563 (2008)
87. Andrade creep revisited. Special issue Crussard, Int. Journal of Materials Research (former Zeitschrift für Metallkunde) pp. 1433-1439 (2009)
F. Louchet & P. Duval
88. A new type of <001> junction observed in a (B2) Fe-Al-Ni-B alloy by TEM in-situ straining
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 499 (2010) 176–182Anna Fraczkiewicz, Brigitte Decamps, David Colas, Olivier Calonne & François Louchet
89. Creep behaviour of ice single crystals loaded in torsion explained by dislocation cross-slip Chevy, J; Louchet, F; Duval, P; Fivel, M: Philosophical Magazine Letters, 92 (6):262-269; 10.1080/09500839.2012.658447 (2012)
90. On the role of long-range internal stresses on grain nucleation during dynamic discontinuous recrystallization, Duval, P; Louchet, F; Weiss, J; Montagnat, M: Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 546 207-211; 10.1016/j.msea.2012.03.052 JUN 1 (2012)
91. From mild to wild fluctuations in crystal plasticity
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 105504 (2015)
J. Weiss, W. Ben Rhouma, T. Richeton, S. Deschanel, F. Louchet, L. Truskinowsky
92. A brief theory of epidemic kinetics
Biology 2020, 9, 134; doi:10.3390/biology9060134
Received: 11 April 2020; Accepted: 17 June 2020; Published: 22 June 2020
Abstract: https://www.mdpi.com/2079-7737/9/6/134
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